Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Amy said...

Cute! You're very clever! Oh, and this reminds me.....

shannon r. said...

was it a good movie?

Shona Cole said...

It was one of Matthew's movies, something about Sinbad from the 1960's. Mark signed up for a seperate account for Matthew's movie course for school as somehow my movies kept coming to the top of the list and he was not getting his regularly, uh oh!

Shona Cole said...

does commenting on my own blog post in this section violate my no explanations rule?

shannon r. said...

i missed that rule...

Amy said...

yes, but someimes you gotta!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know about that rule either, I've broken it way too many times. Do you always get the mail with your left hand? Cool shot!

nicole (nicmowat) said...

hmm..i think we all need to take a similiar photo...though my neighbors might think i'm insane, since we have big group mailboxes.

Anonymous said...

Sinbad was outstanding. Especially the killing of the Cyclops. Mark Cole