Sunday, March 25, 2007


Anonymous said...

Very can really see their different personalities in these photos. Did you use photoshop or are these really poloroids?

Anita said...

Too cute! I can see lots of scrapbook pages in these shots!!

Amy said...

How cute is that...I think having these done as 'polaroids' increases the 'cuteness factor'!!

Shona Cole said...

Picasa2 which I downloaded free and what I use to view my photos and do some basic editing has a 'collage section', I just have to choose the photos I want in the pile and it generates it. Pretty neat.

Amy said...

I'm going to have to try that.

CG said...

This is so fun, Shona! My kitties love it, too. They say more people should try and look like cats- since cats rule and are the totally awesome in every way.