Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Playgroup is not just for kids!


Amy said...

That's the prettiest 'beauty parlor' setting I've ever seen. Fun shot!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Amy, the setting is beautiful!...& I won't comment on the size of my head and it seeming to be 3 times the size of Nikki's...Oh how I love to see photos of myself :)

nicole (nicmowat) said...

i believe that's called perspective shannon!!

do you take appointments? ;) how are you with natural curls? hehe.... you have to have kids to be in a playgroup?! hehe.... we miss out on so much by not having little ones.....

shannon m. said...

So you admit my head is 3 times larger than Nikki's :)

And yes, I love curls!!! Let me know when you're ready & I'll pencil you in!

Andrew Rodgers said...

Being a guy, I don't have much add to this discussion, but I will agree that the setting is very pretty:)

CG said...

Ha! This reminds me of the barbershop out in our yard where I cut Greg's hair last week!

nicole (nicmowat) said...

oooh, i dug myself a hole on that comment!! *getting out my ruler* no, not it's not....though, i would say it is compared to the kids at the table...hehe....but then again, nikki's is too!

Donna said...

I cut hair at the church camp out...outdoors is the best place! and the birdies love it too. Shows true friendship and community. :o)