Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Shona Cole said...

Mark has been wanting me to take pictures of his 'stuff' ever since I started this photo a day project. Finally, the other night I went in his office and took photos of many of his books and nick nacks (he has a ton of stuff, the man is not prone to decluttering). I got an extension cord and Matthew's reading lamp to light the 'things' and got a bunch of potential shots. I will post a few of my 'manly things series' here over the next few days, give you guys a little relief from you having to tell me how cute my kids are :)

shannon r. said...

Nah, I'm never tired of your kids or your coffetable book quality of ALL your shots! The boys are anticipating the 'guys' Mark has on his shelves!

Marcus M. said...

Ahhhh....these books are SO CUTE! :)

Amy said...

Love it...I'm so glad you're doing a series of Mark's stuff...he's got some pretty sweet stuff. And his old books are really fantastic. This is a great shot...but I hope you'll do some of the older books in color...they have such rich, aged hues that would be great to see! ;-)

shannon m. said...

I agree with Amy! You've got a great subject to work with! So much cool stuff!

K said...

Gorgeous lighting and tones. A real dramatic effect in this one.

brenlou said...

Wonderful photo of a library that invites you to come find the treasures hidden in its well worn and tattered volumes!

CG said...

These are gorgeous books, and what a beautiful shot!