Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Shona Cole said...

I am posting this photo today, on a morning where I got no school done with the girls and am feeling down on being a homeschool mother, to remind myself that most other days preschool and K does actually happen!!!!

artfulstampin said...

just the sweetest pic. Thanks for popping in on me and saying hi. Baby not arrived yet...getting through my list of jobs!

shannon m. said...

I love this. Charlie looks so happy and content right there with the girls & the light coming through the window is beautiful.

shannon r. said...

Your girls have learned more by just being around you than any book could teach them at this age! Relax and enjoy those special moments! You are an awesome mother and HS mom!!

CG said...

I agree with Shannon R. You are tops, lady! And this is such a nice photo. The lighting really makes it- so soft and sweet and I love the lazy dog contrasting the busyness of the girls.

Michelle (a.k.a. la vie en rose) said...

...this may be my fave...

Amy said...

Oh my...wow! The light, slight silhouette, composition, and of course the subject matter...really a memory captured in time! Beautiful! And I'm 'thirding' what Shannon said...our babies learn more from just being around Momma than they could learn from a library full of text books! But just to ease your mind on the 'getting school done' subject, you CONSTANTLY amaze me! You do SOOOO much and your children accomplish so much...I'm gonna stop building you up now, cause I'm making myself feel guilty! ;-) Love you friend!