Friday, June 8, 2007

New form of communication needed


Shona Cole said...

I remember this stage with my other 3, before the words come easily the squealing tearless cries for drinks, comfort, pick me up, let me out, etc.... I will be focusing on teaching her words this summer (I could do signing, but I would have to read a book on that as I didn't do signing with the others, and I don't have time to read a book, I'm too busy taking photos, uploading photos, checking photo blogs and all that fun stuff :)

Colleen Rieth said...

Haha! I love your title, so true. Actually, I saw a book for kids at the Mitchell library that has tons of pictures, if you check it out you could just give it to Matthew and have him pick the words he thinks would be helpful. OR, I think the Callans and the Bonins have some signers in their families, ask them! Just a handful will do the trick, like: more, please, thank you, sorry, drink.


Michelle (a.k.a. la vie en rose) said...

wow! look at you go!

nicole (nicmowat) said...

there are videos too...the lachneys use them....joshua loves them

shannon m. said...

Once she learns she can teach Nomi... words or signs!

Anita said...

Well, it is clear what she is saying for pete's sake! "I miss Mrs. Michelsen ... please take me to visit her!"

Who is pete, anyway?

Love you!

CG said...

Poor Annie. I know this is a frustrating time for her, but it won't last long... I know you'll find a way to help her through it.

Amy said...

Oh my...sooooo familiar! We're going thru this w/ Lizzie...actually, I was just telling Tommy that I'm going to get a book or video or something to teach her to sign, b/c I KNOW she knows how to 'talk' inside her head, and she just melts down when she can't communicate. What a difficult time for these little ones. Hang in there Annie, and Momma!