Saturday, July 21, 2007


Colleen Rieth said...

Wow, I love this picture. Can you tell me what this is? It looks like Daniel throwing a fit to me, haha, but I'm sure it's much more noble a subject than that. What a great contrast with the Laura's red shirt and the brown stone. I like how she is about the same height as the statue.

CG said...

This is GREAT. Is she sneezing, crying? The lighting is totally awesome, dude.

Megan said...

Shona, you have inspired me. I remember talking about taking a photography class together when Greg and I were helping with Mark's campaign, but we never did. Among other things (mainly my children moving too fast for my old p&s), your posts over the last few months have revived my itch. I talked my dad into buying me a good camera, so here I go. You've got great work here! I hope we get to see each other again soon.

Tara D. said...

I love the color of the stone. It's gorgeous.

shannon m. said...

The colors are amazing! It looks like she is she?

Shona Cole said...

Laura was crying, long story.... but when I saw this photo I had taken I thought it looked like the statue had hit her and she was flinching and protecting her head!
Sorry i don't know what the statue is, bad me it never occurred to me to find out!