Thursday, July 26, 2007


shannon m. said...

I love how they are just hanging out with their Granny... neither one really watching just being there with her.
Great window, it looks huge! & what is Lily sitting on?

Tara D. said...

Okay...this pic. hits too close to home. It reminds me of when "K" begged us to let her iron and swore she could handle it and like sucker parents we let her...the iron fell on her arm, gave her a 2nd degree burn and there's still a whopping scar there to prove it. Seeing Laura so close to the iron freaks me out! :-) She's got that "if I could only touch it" look on her face. But...I do LOVE the scene outside the window. It is so vividly clear I can hardly stand it. It's beautiful!

CG said...

Love this. A behind the scenes portrait of the real world- not just the fancy / unusual stuff that goes on in the city. Meaningful life and beautiful art all have roots in the simple sweetness of home.