Friday, July 6, 2007

Getting ready to pack


jaime said...

Don't forget: warm clothes and rain gear! We're having very unclement weather here at the mo!
Looking forward to seeing you all.

shannon m. said...

Very cute! Hope you all have a great trip!

Anita said...

You're not really putting Annie in the suitcase, are you? Ha! My kids always love getting the suitcases out and usually they don't come down from the excitement high until we are in route or at our destination. We'll miss you, but wish you a wonderful trip!

nicole (nicmowat) said...

so excited...cannot WAIT to see your pics from ireland!!!!

Tara D. said...

Ya'll are gonna have so much fun...but we will we do without our daily Cole picture posts?????? :-)

Tara D. said...

Okay...I meant to say..."WHAT will we do without our daily Cole pictures?" :-)

mendytexas said...

I love your sweet pictures Shona! I am so glad we got to meet and I was able to see you gorgeous your new stamps!!

CG said...

Great face on Lil, but boo! How long will you be gone?

Shona Cole said...

We will be gone for 5 1/2 weeks, but no worries, I bought a lap top so that I could continue photo a day! I just didn't want to miss a day. the photos will just be Irish trip pic instead of my house, which I will be a good thing:)