Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hand tinted


Shona Cole said...

I learned how to hand tint with photoshop.... well I had to modify it for Photoshop Elements:

1) duplicate original file
2) use the Gaussian blur on the new layer, set to about 8
3) reduce the opacity of this layer to about 60%
4) convert the original file to black and white

(PE doesn't have an auto convert to B&W tool, so you have to go to the 'create adjustment layer' tool - which is the little circle that is half black and half white - and choose levels, then choose gradient map and viola!, if you want to strengthen the blacks then go back to levels and slide the first black button to the right)

it fades the color but also softens the image without making it look like I took a blurry image.

You like?

Colleen Rieth said...

Yes! She looks like a fairy. She is a real beauty. Love the color of her lips and skin and hair. The yellow flowers are a nice brightening touch and in the perfect spot in the photo to make the composition interesting. I think you should blow this one up huge and hang it in your gallery.

Anita said...

I do like it and will try it myself. Thanks for including the instructions! Lily has such a beautiful, exotic look in this photo.

Amy said...

i was just about to beg, 'please share!' i don't like...i love!!!

she's such a gorgeous subject, beautiful photo...definitely enlarge and hang!