Saturday, May 12, 2007


Gerushia's New World said...

This is a hauntingly beautiful shot. It makes me think that someone just got up from the chair to start a long journey. Lovely!!

Garden Painter Art
Kim's Kandid Kamera

shannon m. said...

This looks like a vintage photograph. I love the feel this has!

Anita said...

Wonderful mood ...

CG said...

This is strange to me- I don't think of your house as having any empty chairs. You are too blessed for that.

CG said...

Sorry, that sounded weird. Your home is just so full of life. It's hard to picture such a quiet moment as this in your life. It's a beautiful photo, though. Reminds me of my beautiful birthplace in Alabama.

Shona Cole said...

no worries Cara :) I was trying to show an idea that life with little ones is not all wild and noisy, sometimes I actually get to sit on the porch and think and read. When Annie is napping the other girls play happily without me, Laura and Lily always have some game going that involves costumes that doesn't involve me and Matthew loves to lounge on his bed reading 3 books at once while listening to a History of the World CD. I do have time to breath and to post and check photos and make art!

Amy said...

Very inviting...this is lovely Shona!