Friday, May 11, 2007



Shona Cole said...

OK, this breaks my no explanation rule :).
My goal in this picture project has changed and morphed over the months, but I think that I want to capture my life, the essence of it, not just do literal portraits (I am after those for my satisfaction of course)... anyhow, this photo doesn't meet this 'capturing' goal, but I looked back and saw that Annie always looks grumpy in the photos I have posted of her. So this is to set the record straight, she is often happy too :)

shannon m. said...

This is a beautiful portrait. And I think everyone knows what a happy baby Annie is! She does have a great Mama!

Anita said...

Are you kidding me? I always think of Annie just like this!

Although, she does do a great grumpy, now that you mention it!

CG said...

She's wonderful! I'm glad for the happy shot of her, since I don't see her in real life like the rest of you.

nicole (nicmowat) said...

she's always so happy - i love smiling back and forth with her at church!

shannon m. said...

I really like how Annie's hair is done and I especially like her dress. She looks adorable.

From Hannah :)

brenlou said...

She brought a joyful smile to my face! Thanks!

Amy said...

SOOO cute!! This is a fabulous pic of Annie...she's so expressive!