Friday, May 25, 2007


shannon r. said...

What is she thinking??

shannon m. said...

What is she looking at?

Marcus M. said...

Laura: Laura.
Mirror-Laura: Yes, Laura.
Laura: No accidents this week, OK?
Mirror-Laura: OK. Yes, my face is looking much better. Let's go put on a sparkly princess dress right away!

K said...

She is so precious. Thisis aboutt he same look that I have when I look in the mirror first thing in the morning and Im thinking "Is it morning already?"

nicole (nicmowat) said...

kelly - i was tihnking the SAME thing.....looks familiar as to how i look in the mirror in the morning!

CG said...

Well, I certainly don't look this good in the morning. Laura is just lovely! I like the reddish tint to her hair from the walls & lighting. The green dress accentuates the other colors in this photo perfectly.